8 Hottest Women of ARROW [Babes]

Not only has Arrow become one of the most successful superhero TV shows on the air, but it also has some real hotties. There are a lot of strong female characters on Arrow who are also beautiful. Here are eight of them.

(Warning: Some character descriptions will have spoilers for the TV show.)

8. China White (Kelly Hu)

China White (Kelly Hu)
One of Arrow's deadliest foes from the very first episode, China White is a ruthless drug lord whose gang holds Starling City in a tight grip. She also looks good doing it.

7. Shado (Celina Jade)

When Oliver Queen was stranded on the island of Lian Yu, Shado (Celina Jade) became his mentor and lover. She taught him archery, Mandarin, and romance.

 6. Joanna De La Vega (Annie Ilonzeh)

Joanna De La Vega is Laurel Lance's best friend and co-worker. Played by Annie Ilonzeh, she's smart and a little more cynical than Laurel.

5. Helena Bertinelli (Jessica De Gouw)

The daughter of a high profile mobster, Helena Bertinelli dedicates herself to fighting crime and avenging the death of her fiance as the Huntress.

4. Thea Queen (Willa Holland)

The sister of Oliver Queen, Thea has struggled with drug addiction and her resentment towards her brother.

3. Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy)

Laurel is a tough attorney who also struggles with her feelings towards her ex-boyfriend, Oliver Queen.

2. Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)

Formerly an executive assistant of Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak also serves as a computer hacker and technical advisor for Arrow.

1. Sara Lance (Caity Lotz)

Younger sister of Oliver's ex-girlfriend Laurel Lance, Sara Lance was thought to be dead until she returned as an assassin codenamed the Canary (aka. Black Canary).
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